The type of client
Valid command targets for an InvokeURL command
A 2d coordinate
Type alias for a dictionary-like structure
Function signature for a digitization callback
Describes a function that is called when a command is invoked
Defines the visibility of flyout menus
Gets the modal parameters for the given key
Valid image formats
Describes a redux reducer function
Describes a redux action creator
Describes a redux dispatcher function. A redux dispatch pushes new state to the redux store
Describes a thunked redux action. Thunked redux actions are generally used for actions that push state asynchronously (eg. In response to an AJAX request)
The default modal dialog size
A function that always returns false
A function that always returns true
A function that does nothing
Helper function to get the current view from the application state
Helper function to get the current set of available external base layers from the application state
Helper function to get the initial map view from the application state
Helper function to get the current runtime map state from the application state
Helper function to get the current selection set from the application state
Generated using TypeDoc
A bounding box array