Enum ValidationStatusCode
A validation status code that is attached to a specific validation issue, allowing for programmatic handling of certain validation issues should they occur
Namespace: OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Resource.Validation
Assembly: OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.dll
public enum ValidationStatusCode
Name | Description |
Dummy | Placeholder |
Error_DrawingSource_NoSourceDwf | Source DWF file not specified |
Error_FeatureSource_ConnectionTestFailed | One or more connection parameters for the feature source are invalid. |
Error_FeatureSource_SchemaReadError | Unclassified error when describing a schema |
Error_FeatureSource_SecuredCredentialTokensWithoutSecuredCredentialData | The validator found the %MG_USERNAME% and %MG_PASSWORD% placeholder tokens in the Feature Source content, but could not find the matching MG_USER_CREDENTIALS resource data item that contains the encrypted credentials |
Error_FeatureSource_SpatialContextReadError | Unclassified error when reading spatial contexts |
Error_Fusion_BingMapsHybridBaseLayerNoLongerAvailable | The "Hybrid" base layer type no longer exists in the current version of the Bing Maps API. The closes equivalent layer type is "AerialsWithLabels" |
Error_Fusion_BingMapsMissingApiKey | The Bing Maps v6/7 API was deprecated on June 30th 2017. To use the current Bing Maps API, an API key is required |
Error_Fusion_InvalidMap | The referenced Map definition doesn't exist |
Error_Fusion_InvalidWidgetReference | A toolbar or container contains a reference to a non-existent widget |
Error_Fusion_MapValidationError | Unclassified error validating the referenced map definition |
Error_Fusion_MissingMap | The Fusion Application Definition has no Maps or Map Groups |
Error_General_ValidationError | General validation error that couldn't be categorized |
Error_LayerDefinition_ClassNotFound | The specified feature class does not exist in the specified feature source |
Error_LayerDefinition_DrawingSourceError | Unclassified error validating or loading the referenced Drawing Source |
Error_LayerDefinition_DrawingSourceSheetLayerNotFound | A specified drawing source sheet layer does not exist in the specified sheet of the specified Drawing Source |
Error_LayerDefinition_DrawingSourceSheetNotFound | The specified sheet does not exist in the specified Drawing Source. |
Error_LayerDefinition_FeatureSourceLoadError | Unclassified error loading the referenced feature source |
Error_LayerDefinition_Generic | Unclassifed validation error |
Error_LayerDefinition_GeometryNotFound | The specified geometry property does not exist in the specified feature class |
Error_LayerDefinition_InvalidPropertyMapping | The Layer Definition contains a property mapping for a non-existent property |
Error_LayerDefinition_LayerNull | Cannot determine the layer sub-type |
Error_LayerDefinition_MinMaxScaleSwapped | The min scale and max scale values are swapped. |
Error_LayerDefinition_MissingFeatureName | The Layer Definition does not specify a class name |
Error_LayerDefinition_MissingFeatureSource | There is no specified feature source (as opposed to a feature source specified, but doesn't exist) |
Error_LayerDefinition_MissingGeometry | There is no specified geometry property (as opposed to a geometry property specified, but doesn't exist) |
Error_LayerDefinition_MissingScaleRanges | The vector layer has no scale ranges. |
Error_LayerDefinition_NoGridScaleRanges | No Grid scale ranges were found in this Raster Layer |
Error_LayerDefinition_SymbolDefintionReferenceNotFound | The Layer Definition contains a composite rule pointing to a non-existent symbol definition |
Error_LayerDefinition_WmsPublishedLayerMissingBounds | The Layer Definition is marked as published for WMS, but it has no bounds information applied |
Error_MapDefinition_DuplicateLayerName | A layer with an already existing name was found. Layer names must be unique |
Error_MapDefinition_FeatureSourceRead | Unclassified error when reading a feature source |
Error_MapDefinition_GroupWithNonExistentGroup | A layer group belongs to a layer group that doesn't exist |
Error_MapDefinition_LayerRead | Unclassified error when reading a layer definition |
Error_MapDefinition_LayerWithNonExistentGroup | A layer belongs to a layer group that doesn't exist |
Error_MapDefinition_NoFiniteDisplayScales | No finite display scales defined for a map definition that contains tiled layers. |
Error_MapDefinition_RasterReprojection | A raster layer in a Map Definition has a different coordinate system from the one that is declared in the Map Definition and the MapGuide Server we're connecting to does not support the raster re-projection feature (MGOS 2.0 or earlier) |
Error_MapDefinition_ResourceRead | Unclassified error when reading a resource |
Error_OdbcConfig_IncompleteXYZColumnMapping | The ODBC configuration document contains a table override item with an incomplete X or Y column mapping |
Error_OdbcConfig_InvalidLogicalGeometryProperty | The ODBC configuration document contains a logical feature class with a geometry property that is not of type Point (other geometry types are not mappable in ODBC) |
Error_OdbcConfig_NoTableOverrideForFeatureClass | The ODBC configuration document has a Feature Class that has no corresponding ODBC table override definition (that would specify how its geometry property maps to X/Y/Z columns) |
Error_SymbolDefinition_ImageGraphicReferenceResourceDataNotFound | The simple symbol definition contains an image graphic that references a non-existent resource data item |
Error_SymbolDefinition_ImageGraphicReferenceResourceIdNotFound | The simple symbol definition contains an image graphic that references a non-existent resource id |
Error_SymbolDefinition_NoGeometryUsageContexts | The simple symbol definition has no geometry usage contexts |
Error_WebLayout_DuplicateCommandName | One or more commands have the same name |
Error_WebLayout_DuplicateSearchCommandResultColumn | A search result column references the same feature property. |
Error_WebLayout_Generic | Unclassified validation error |
Error_WebLayout_MissingMap | No Map Definition specified. |
Error_WebLayout_NonExistentContextMenuCommandReference | A context menu item references a command that doesn't exist |
Error_WebLayout_NonExistentTaskPaneCommandReference | A task pane item references a command that doesn't exist |
Error_WebLayout_NonExistentToolbarCommandReference | A toolbar item references a command that doesn't exist |
Info_DrawingSource_NoCoordinateSpace | No coordinate system found in drawing source. Affects re-projection if referencing layer is housed in a Map Definition |
Info_FeatureSource_NoPrimaryKey | No primary key found in feature source. Does affect layer selection if a layer is based on this feature source |
Info_LayerDefinition_IrrelevantUsageContext | A referenced symbol definition contains irrelevant usage contexts for this particular layer |
Info_LayerDefinition_ScaleRangeOverlap | One or more scale ranges overlap. Can affect presentation of data. |
Info_MapDefinition_GroupHasDefaultLabel | A layer group has a default label assigned to it. |
Info_MapDefinition_GroupMissingLabelInformation | A layer group has no label. Results in no text when displayed in the viewer legend |
Info_MapDefinition_MultipleSpatialContexts | |
Warning_FeatureSource_Cannot_Package_Secured_Credentials | Due to a limitation in the public APIs provided by MapGuide. Feature Sources with encrypted security credentials (MG_USER_CREDENTIALS) cannot be packaged by Maestro's packager without discarding the MG_USER_CREDENTIALS element. The workaround is to either re-secure these feature sources after loading the Maestro-created package, or to use the official packaging method which will preserve MG_USER_CREDENTIALS in its encrypted state |
Warning_FeatureSource_DefaultSpatialContext | Feature Source has a spatial context with what appears to be system-generated bounds. This usually makes extent queries or operations that rely on a data store's extents (eg. Layer Previews) unreliable |
Warning_FeatureSource_EmptyJoinPrefix | An Extended Feature Class does not specify a join prefix. This will cause collisions if the primary and secondary classes have one or more identical property names |
Warning_FeatureSource_EmptySpatialContext | Feature Source has an empty spatial context |
Warning_FeatureSource_NoSchemasFound | No feature schemas found in feature source. Layers referencing this feature source have nothing to show and style. |
Warning_FeatureSource_NoSpatialContext | Feature Source has no spatial context. Affects re-projection if referencing layer is housed in a Map Definition |
Warning_FeatureSource_Plaintext_Credentials | A Feature Source whose provider contains username/password connection parameters contains login credentials in plaintext. This is not secure as such Feature Sources can be accessed by the Anonymous MapGuide user account. It is strongly advised that such Feature Sources can be re-secured with MapGuide/Infrastructure Studio or with Maestro 4.0.3 (or newer) |
Warning_FeatureSource_Potential_Bad_Join_Performance | An Extended Feature Class does not specify |
Warning_FeatureSource_Validation_Timeout | A mapagent error occurred during Feature Source validation. Most likely because of timeout. As a result, the full validity of the Feature Source cannot be determined |
Warning_Fusion_InitialViewOutsideMapExtents | The specified initial view parameters lie outside the referenced Map Definition's extents. Usually means you will see nothing when the Fusion viewer loads. |
Warning_Fusion_MapCoordSysIncompatibleWithCommericalLayers | The specified map definition's coordinate system is not WGS84.PseudoMercator. This is a requirement for integrating with Google/Yahoo/Bing commerical layers |
Warning_Fusion_NoLabelOnWidget | The referenced widget has no label, which may cause display problems if there is no icon specified |
Warning_Fusion_NonStandardUiWidgetAttachedToContainer | A toolbar or container contains a reference to a non-UI widget |
Warning_General_NoRegisteredValidatorForResource | No validation was found for the specified resource and/or version |
Warning_General_ValidationWarning | Placeholder validation warning |
Warning_LayerDefinition_CompositeStyleDefinedAlongsideBasicStyle | A scale range was found in a Layer Definition which has a composite style defined along side a point, line or area style. In such cases, the composite style will always take precedence and the point/line/area style will have no effect |
Warning_LayerDefinition_MultipleGridScaleRanges | Multiple raster scale ranges were found |
Warning_LayerDefinition_NoPropertyMappingsForWmsQueryableLayer | A layer definition has metadata that indicates it is a queryable WMS layer, but the layer has no property mappings defined. If a WMS GetFeatureInfo request is made against this layer, nothing will be returned. You should expose one or more properties in the property mappings. |
Warning_LayerDefinition_SymbolParameterOverrideToNonExistentParameter | A parameter override has been specified for a parameter that does not exist |
Warning_LayerDefinition_UnsupportedLayerType | Unrecognised layer type |
Warning_LoadProcedure_ConvertToSdf3NotSupported | Convert to SDF (3.0) option not supported for file-based Load Procedures. This is a limitation of Maestro |
Warning_LoadProcedure_DwgNotSupported | DWG Load Procedures not supported. This is a limitation of Maestro |
Warning_LoadProcedure_GeneralizationNotSupported | Generalization options not supported for file-based Load Procedures. This is a limitation of Maestro |
Warning_LoadProcedure_RasterNotSupported | Raster Load Procedures not supported. This is a limitation of Maestro |
Warning_LoadProcedure_Sdf2OptionsNotSupported | SDF2 options not supported for a SDF Load Procedure. This is a limitation of Maestro |
Warning_LoadProcedure_SourceFileNotFound | A source file referenced in a Load Procedure could not be found. This can happen if executing this Load Procedure on a different client machine. |
Warning_MapDefinition_DataOutsideMapBounds | One or more layers in a Map Definition has data that lies outside of the extents in the Map Definition. This normally means the user would have to manually pan outside the extents to see this data. |
Warning_MapDefinition_FeatureSourceWithNullExtent | The Map Definition contains a referenced feature source that has a null extent (usually caused by having no data in the feature source) |
Warning_MapDefinition_LayerMissingLegendLabel | A layer in a Map Definition has no legend label. Results in not text displayed in the viewer legend. |
Warning_MapDefinition_LayerReprojection | One or more layers in a Map Definition have different coordinate system than the one declared in the Map Definition. This will normally incur a minor performance penalty when rendering due to on-the-fly reprojection of data. In some cases, this is unavoidable. |
Warning_MapDefinition_MissingCoordinateSystem | The Map Definition does not have a coordinate system |
Warning_MapDefinition_MissingSpatialContext | Could not find a spatial context for a referenced layer definition in the map definition |
Warning_MapDefinition_UnselectableLayer | The Map Definition contains an unselectable layer as that layer's class definition has no identity properties |
Warning_SymbolDefinition_SymbolParameterNotUsed | The simple symbol definition contains a symbol parameter that is not referenced anywhere within the definition |
Warning_WebLayout_InitialViewOutsideMapExtents | The web layout's initial view lies outside the referenced map definition's extents. Usually means you will see nothing when the AJAX viewer loads. |